canon (5.306son versiyon 2019)Canon Service Tool v5306
作者:管理员    发布于:2019-08-16 18:08:35    文字:【】【】【
摘要:canon (5.306son versiyon 2019)Canon Service Tool v5306

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Canon Service Tool Error
Error 002 - does not support this function in this model printer
Error 005 - The program does not see the printer
Solution: Maybe you did not connect it via USB
Error 006 - the printer is not in the service mode
1 Wrong logged in the service mode
All new models enter the service mode - by pressing the Resume button 5 times
2 Service mode is dead
Why? : maybe someone has already tried to reset the absorber in this printer using an older version of the Service Tool
What then do? : only reconfigure the memory chip
Error 009 - the printer has an error
Solution: Save EEPROM and in EEPROM view the latest error
COMPATIBLE MODELS Latest version of Canon ST v5306:
Errors that can be corrected with code: 5B00 5B02 5B04 5B14 1701 1702 1700


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